

The residents of Somerset are very lucky people. The most wonderful artisan bakery has recently opened its doors to the public, to sell the amazing breads, pastries and puddings that they normally only sell wholesale.

In the tiny village of Lovington, in the old ice-cream factory, a young couple have set up bakers shop and are producing some of the best baked goods I've tried. I popped down there a month or so ago, and came back with arms full of seriously yummy sourdoughs, pain au chocolat, handmade chocolates and challah buns.


I called to ask what time the bakery was open to the public on Saturdays, and was told they open whenever anyone comes by, as they are there baking anyway - but if you want croissants, either call to order in advance or turn up by 8am, as word has spread and they sell like hot cakes!!

If you live in Somerset, or even if you're just visiting, the Lievito bakery is a must visit destination!

Their website's www.lievito.co.uk.



  1. I love the photo of the buns.. They look delicious!

    1. Thanks! All I had to do was point and click - they actually do look that delicious!

  2. Well I wish I did live in Sommerset because these all look yummy! xx

    1. They're so good! If you're ever driving down the A303 you should divert to see them! When I was growing up there, there used to be a bakery on the dual carriage way part of the A303 and you used to literally have to risk your life to get there - but was so worth it! This one's a bit more safely accessible!

      R xx


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