

A friend of our friend is on a mission, and she needs your help!

Yasmin Khan is raising money via Kickstarter to fund a cookbook and television documentary project offering a unique window into contemporary Iran, through the food the people love to eat. In order to make her project a reality, Yas needs to raise another £5k on top of the £3.5k she has already raised, and you can help her, by funding her through her page on Kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/46403768/saffron-tales-from-the-persian-kitchen.

Yas's mission is to travel around Iran asking locals to share their favorite recipes, in order to show a different side of Iran - one that doesn't often make the headlines. Yas will be cooking recipes with locals Iranians and getting the stories behind the recipes from them for her book. The money she is aiming to raise will cover, amongst other things, the costs of a professional photographer who will be on hand to capture the beautiful landscapes, stunning scenery and gorgeous dishes they'll be cooking. As she says on her Kickstarter page, "At a time of increased military tensions, a project which humanises Iranian people and promotes cross-cultural understanding could not be more important. Saffron aims to do just this, guiding readers on a fascinating journey into the hearts (and stomachs) of Iranians today."

I, personally, am a big fan of the flavours used in Iranian cooking - think fresh herbs, fruits cooked with meat, and flavours such as pomegranate, saffron and lots more of my favorite things. Sample recipes quoted on her page include Mirzeh Ghasemi - smokey roasted aubergines, gently fried with plum tomatoes, garlic, turmeric, eggs and olive oil; and Shirin Polo - buttery steamed rice jewelled with carrots, orange peel, pistachios and saffron - YUM!!

So if you want to see more of these delightful recipes, get involved and pledge some money to make it happen!

Kickstarter is an online platform for creatives to raise money for their projects. In order to protect the project manager and investors, the money is only invested if the full amount requested is reached, so please do get funding!


Good luck Yas!



  1. Rosie, what a wonderful summary of my friend's project. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this on your blog. It means a great deal to me that you are as inspired as I am about her plans. I think it is so timely too, as Israel, the US and other countries are plotting and planning how and when to attack yet another country. Some dear friends of mine road a motorbike from Holland to Thailand and they said their favourite country on the whole trip was Iran. It is a rich and vibrant country with so much to offer and I think supporting this project is one way of contributing to an understanding of a people that are far more than the demons they are misrepresented as being in Western media press outlets!!!

    1. I couldn't agree more about her project and what it has the potential to do.. And I'm just happy that I'm able to tell people about it and hopefully encourage them to pledge! I really, really hope it works out for her and she gets the target she needs to make it happen!! Fingers crossed x


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